to activate the sequence mode (images only). See ‘Take
pictures in a sequence’, p. 57.
to select a color effect
to show or hide the viewfinder grid (images only)
to adjust white balance
to adjust the exposure compensation (images only)
to adjust light sensitivity (images only)
to switch between the video and image modes
The icons change to reflect the current status of the
The available options vary depending on the capture mode
and view you are in.
See also active toolbar options in ‘After taking a picture’,
p. 55, ‘After recording a video’, p. 60, and ‘Active toolbar’,
p. 45 in Gallery.
After taking a picture
After you take the picture, select the following from the
active toolbar (available only if Show captured image is
set to On in still image camera settings):
If you do not want to keep the image, select Delete.
To send the image, press the call key, or select Send. For
more information, see ‘Messaging’, p.34, ‘Bluetooth
connectivity’, p.72, and ‘Share online’, p. 51. This
option is not available during an active call. You can
also send the image to a call recipient during an active
call. Select Send to caller (only available during an
active call).
To tag images to the Print Basket for later printing,
select Add to Print Basket.
To send the picture to a compatible online album,
select Post to (available only if you have set up an
account for a compatible online album. See ‘Share
online’, p. 51).
To use the picture as wallpaper in the active standby, select
Options > Set as wallpaper.
To set the image as a call image for a contact, select
Options > Set as contact call img..
Still image camera settings
There are two kinds of settings for the still image camera:
active toolbar settings and main settings. To use active
toolbar settings, see ‘Adjust color and lighting’, p.56. The
active toolbar settings return to the default settings after
you close the camera, but the main settings remain the
same until you change them again.
To change the main settings, select Options> Settings
and from the following: