saved in the .mp4 file format in a multimedia message.
You can also send the video clip to a call recipient
during an active call. Select Send to caller.
•To upload the video clip to a compatible online album,
select Post to (available only if you have set up an
account for a compatible online album. See ‘Share
online’, p. 51).
Video settingsThere are two kinds of settings for the video recorder:
Video setup and main settings. To adjust Video setup
settings, see ‘Adjust color and lighting’, p.56. The setup
settings return to the default settings after you close the
camera, but the main settings remain the same until you
change them again. To change the main settings, select
Options> Se ttings and from the following:
Video quality—Set the quality of the video clip to High
(best quality for long term usage and playback on a
compatible TV or PC and handset), Normal (standard
quality for playback through your handset), or Sharing
(limited video clip size to send using a multimedia
message). If you want to view the video on a compatible TV
or PC, select High, which has QVGA resolution (320x240)
and the .mp4 file format. To send the video clip through
MMS, select Sharing (QCIF resolution, .3gp file format).
The size of the video clip recorded with Sharing is limited
to 300 KB (about 20 seconds in duration) so that it can be
conveniently sent as a multimedia message to a
compatible device.
Audio recording—Select Mute if you do not want to
record sound.
Add to album—Select whether you want to add the
recorded video clip to a certain album in Gallery. Select
Yes to open a list of available albums.
Show captured video—Select whether you want the first
frame of the recorded video clip to be shown on the display
after the recording stops. Select Play from the active
toolbar (main camera) or Options > Play (secondary
camera) to view the video clip.
Default video name—Define the default name for the
captured video clips.
Memory in use—Define the default memory store.
Restore camera settings—Select Yes to return the default
values to the camera settings.