My own
Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
To connect your device and a compatible PC using
Bluetooth wireless technology:
1Ensure that you have installed Nokia PC Suite on your
2Ensure that you have paired your device and the PC
through Bluetooth wireless technology with Get
Connected in Nokia PC Suite. See Nokia PC Suite user
guide and “Bluetooth connectivity”, p. 90.
3Activate Bluetooth connectivity on your device and on
your PC.
Copy itemsWhen you have connected your device to a compatible PC
using a USB data cable or Bluetooth connectivity, you can
copy your items between your device and your PC.
To copy new or edited items from your device to your PC,
and copy the selected items from your PC to your device:
1Start the Lifeblog PC application.
2In the Nokia Lifeblog PC application, select File > Copy
from phone and to Phone.
The new items from your device are copied to your PC. The
items in the To phone view on your PC are copied to your
Post to the WebTo sha re y our b est Nok ia L ifeb log ite ms, send the m to you r
weblog on the Internet for others to see.
You must first create an account with a weblog service,
create one or more weblogs that you use as the
destination of your posts, and add the weblog account to
Nokia Lifeblog multimedia diary. The recommended
weblog service for Nokia Lifeblog is TypePad from Six
On your device, add the weblog account in Lifeblog mobile
in the weblog settings. On your PC, edit accounts in the
Edit log accounts window.
To post items to the Web from your device:
1In Timeline or Favourites, select the items that you
want to post to the Web.
2Select Options > Post to Web.
3If you use the feature for the first time, Lifeblog mobile
retrieves a weblog list from the weblog server.
4The weblog post dialog opens. Select the weblog you
want to use from the Post to: list. If you have created
new weblogs, to update the weblog list, select
Options> Refresh blog list.
5Enter a title and a caption for the post. You can also
write a longer story or description in the body text
6When everything is ready, select Options > Send.