Make an internet call in the home
Enter the phone number or internet
address, and select Net call.
Make an internet call to an internet
address not starting with a number
1 In the home screen, press any
number key, and then press the
backspace key to clear the display.
2 To change to character mode, press
the function key.
3 Enter the internet address, and
press the call key.
Video sharing
Use video sharing (network service) to
send live video or a video clip from your
mobile device to another compatible
mobile device during a voice call.
The loudspeaker is active when you
activate video sharing. If you do not
want to use the loudspeaker for the
voice call while you share video, you can
also use a compatible headset.
Continuous exposure to high volume
may damage your hearing. Listen to
music at a moderate level, and do not
hold the device near your ear when the
loudspeaker is in use.
Video sharing requirements
Video sharing requires a 3G connection.
Your ability to use video sharing
depends on the availability of the 3G
network. For more information on the
service, 3G network availability, and
fees associated with using this service,
contact your service provider.
To use video sharing, ensure the
•Your device is set up for person-to-
person connections.
•You have an active 3G connection
and are within 3G network
coverage. If you move outside the
3G network during a video sharing
session, the sharing stops, while
your voice call continues.
•Both the sender and recipient are
registered to the 3G network. If you
invite someone to a sharing session
38 Make calls
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