Close Music player
Select Options > Exit.
Spin your device to play a random
Let your device surprise you with music!
While listening to music, to play a
random song from your music library,
set your device on a table, and spin it.
1 Open Music player, and start
listening to music.
2 To change the song, place your
device on its back on an even
surface, and spin it with your finger.
When the device stops spinning, a
random song starts playing.
With playlists, you can create
selections of songs to play in a specific
Select Menu > Music > Music player
and Playlists.
Create a playlist
1 Select Options > New playlist.
2 Enter a name for the playlist, and
select OK.
3 To add songs now, select Yes. To
add the songs later, select No.
4 If you select Yes, select artists to
find the songs you want to add to
the playlist. To add items, select
To display or hide the songs under
an artist, select Expand or
5 When you have made your
selections, select Done.
If a compatible memory card is
inserted, the playlist is saved to the
memory card.
View the details of the playlist
Select Options > Playlist deta ils.
Music and audio 57
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