Spare a Minute!
Thank you for buying this Norcent product. We appreciate your trust in our ability to provide you with a quality product.
Protect your investment. Spare a minute now, while it is fresh in your mind, in order to complete and return this
registration card. When you do this...
1. You ensure to qualify for every protection under the terms of the warranty.
2. You verify your possession of the product in case it is lost or stolen.
3. You allow us to contact you in the unlikely event that your product is removed from the market.
For your convenience, this form is also available electronically at: (Page of the Product Registration).
1. After filling in this card, place the necessary amount of stamp in the top right corner of the other side, and mail it.
This will help to protect your investment.
Eng warranty Card 2
1. First Name Last Name
Address (street and number)
City State Postal Code
2. Telephone Number:
3. Date of Purchase:  Month Day Year
4. Store Name:
5. Did you purchase an extended servicing contract when you bought the product?
1. [ ] Yes 2. [ ] No
6. Model Number:
Serial Number (at the back of the unit):
Thank you