Additional call features
Use Radio Page Use the Radio Page feature to page a person and stay on the line until
that person answers. The paged person answers the call after entering a
special Page Meet-me code from any telephone.
To use Automatic Preselection (Meet-me page)
To use Automatic Post selection
1. Lift the handset.
2. Dial the Radio Paging Access FFC. The
paging tone sounds (two beeps followed
by a dial tone).
3. Dial the number of the party you want to
page. After dialing, the ringback tone
Note: The paged person can use any
telephone to enter a Radio Paging
Answer FFC, plus their own DN number.
4. If your call goes unanswered for a preset
time period, and a 15-second high-
pitched tone sounds followed by silence,
press the Goodbye key or replace the