28 Tone Commander 7210/7220 User Manual
Using the dial pad, enter the alias supplied by your network
service provider.
If you need to make corrections, select
BKSP (backspace)
to delete the previous digit.
CLEAR removes all digits, allowing you to start over.
When all digits have been entered, press the Done key to
return to the Change Password menu or the Setup key to exit
Setup Mode.
SPID Entry ______________________________
A unique SPID (Service Profile IDentifier) is required for operation of
the 7210/7220. If the network supports AutoSPID, a SPID that is
assigned to your ISDN line can be automatically selected. If generic
SPID assignments are used by your service provider, your SPID will
consist of your primary telephone number followed by “0101” for
National ISDN (e.g., 52534910000101). Contact your network service
provider for your telephone’s SPID.
The alias value, if correctly entered, will be copied to the SPID entry.
You can edit this SPID entry if necessary.
From the Installation Options menu, select SPID.
Using the dial pad, enter the SPID number supplied by your
network service provider.
If you need to make corrections, select
BKSP (backspace)
to delete the previous digit.
CLEAR removes all digits, allowing you to start over.
When all digits have been entered, press the Done key to
return to the Installation Options menu or the Setup key to exit
Setup Mode.
If the phone is currently initialized with a SPID, select
CHANGE, then YES to restart the phone and clear the
existing SPID. The iMerge alias and H.235 password will also
be cleared.


