Tone Commander 7210/7220 User Manual 37
Press the Done key three times to return to the key selection
menu or the Setup key to exit Setup Mode.
Speed Dial Keys
Keys not assigned for call appearances or feature activators may be
used as Speed Dial keys. Dial strings can include network feature
activator codes, to simplify the use of features such as Directed Call
Pickup and Call Forwarding. Speed Dial keys may also be programmed
from the User Options menu.
The currently programmed dial string, if any, will be shown in
the display.
Enter digits (24 maximum) with the dial pad.
Pauses are entered with the PAUSE softkey, and are shown
in the display as a P character. The first pause in a dial string
will wait until the call is answered; additional pauses delay
dialing for one second. Enter multiple pauses to increase the
delay time.
Feature Activator (FA) numbers are entered with the FA
softkey, and are shown in the display as an F character. It
must be the first character in the dialing string; the two
numeric digits immediately following the F indicate the
network feature activator code. The FA softkey is only
available when no digits have been entered. In the example
above, the Speed Dial key sends feature code ‘57’ (Call
Forward) followed by the directory number ‘987-1234’.