Do not place the portable where the battery charging
contacts, on the bottom of the portable, will short out. For
example, placing the portable in a pocket with loose coins.
Charge the battery pack p ro v ide d wi th t he por tab le o n ly i n
accordance with the instructions specified in this manual.
Antenna safety The C3060 portable telephone emits low levels of radio
energy. Although any risk associ ated with this energy is
minimal, you can further minimize your exposure by not
touching the antenna to your face while the portable
telephone is turned on.
Charger safety The C3060 charger power supply is an electrical device
containing hazardous voltages. Do not open the power
supply or the charger.
Care when using
earpiece Do not place the earpiece next to your ear if a foreign
object has become attache d to th e ear p ei ce .
Note for hearing aid
users Use of the portable telephone can produce an audible tone
within a hearing aid. The C3002 headset can be used with
hearing aids and will prevent the occurre nce o f th e audi ble