Customizing your portable
Hint: Whenever you are searching thr ough a list, you can press the
first letter of the feature, directory, or system entry you want. If there is
more than one entry under a letter, press . to keep looking.
To customize your portable, use the Menu, which contains
a number of features in alphabet ical order.
Find a menu item To search through the avai lable opti ons on the Menu press
m, , or ..
Note: The portable displays options in several different ways.
Whenever the display shows a heading followed by a colon, as in
Vibr ato r: On, you can select the underl ined softkey, OFF in this
case, to switch to the other option.
Whenever the display shows a heading followed by >, as in
Language>, press > to enter a menu of options which you can
then move through by pressing , or ..