Call Center Supervisor features

Call Center Supervisor features

You can assign any feature listed in the “Agent features” section to the
supervisor's telephone (except Supervisor), as well as the features described in
this section.

Agent keys

Agent keys allow you to connect, observe, or monitor the status of each Agent
position. Each Agent Key is linked to a particular agent position and can be used
along with the Call Agent or Observe Agent Keys.

Answer Agent

When your phone rings and the
Answer Agent indicator flashes:
/Press the Answer Agent Key. Your position
goes into Not Ready state and you are
connected to the agent.
To disconnect an agent call:
/Press the Goodbye Key.

Answer Emergency

When your phone buzzes and the
Answer Emergency indicator flashes:
/1. Press the Hold Key if you intend to
return to the call in progress.
/2. Press the Answer Emergency Key.
Your position goes into Not Ready
state and the Answer Emergency
indicator lights continuously. You are
connected to the call.
Ans Agent
Ans Emerg