Addressing a messageYou can address your messages to local mailboxes and distribution lists. You may also be
able to address messages to mailboxes at other sites (networks), to other voice mail
systems (open networks), and to recipients at telephones with no voice mail. For the
required prefixes, press * for Help when addressing, or ask your system administrator.
Keep a record of these prefixes on page 22.
When Meridian Mail Voice Messaging prompts you for a mailbox number, enter the
appropriate prefix if required, then the number. When you have entered all the required
addresses, return to step 3 in To address, record, and send a message on page 12.
To address a message to a local mailbox
Enter the mailbox number, then press #.
To address a message to a distribution list
Enter the distribution list number, then press #.
To address a message to a mailbox at another network site
Enter the network prefix followed by the mailbox number, then press #.
To address a message to an open network mailbox
Enter the open network prefix followed by the system access phone number (using the
same prefixes you would use for a local or long distance call from your phone), then
press #. Enter the mailbox number, then press #.
To address a message to a telephone
You can address and send a recorded message to a telephone.
Enter the prefix if required, followed by the recipient’s telephone number, then press #.
When you send a message to a person at a telephone number, Meridian Mail Voice
Messaging calls the person’s telephone and states that there is a message from you. The
system may tell the recipient which key to press to hear the message, or the message
may play automatically. The recipient can respond by recording a reply.