When you are the callerWhen you are calling another person’s Meridian Mail Voice Messaging mailbox you can
use many of the messaging commands described in this guide. You can also tell callers
from outside your organization how to use these commands. Here are some convenient
and time-saving tips.
Interrupting greetings
While you are listening to a person’s greeting, you can stop the greeting at any time by
pressing # and then recording your message. This saves time when you call the same
person frequently and don’t need to hear the greeting.
If you call a person who has recorded a temporary absence greeting you hear a warning
when you try to stop the greeting. This allows you to continue listening if you want to, or to
start recording.
Connecting to the custom operator
While you are listening to a person’s greeting you can press 0 to transfer to the custom
operator number assigned for that mailbox.
Thru-Dialing to another number
You may be able to transfer to another person in the same organization by pressing 0,
followed immediately by the person’s extension number. See Thru-Dialing, page 17. You
may be able to use name dialing if you don’t know the extension number. Ask your system
administrator if these options are available to you.
Editing your recorded messages
When you record a message to leave in another person’s mailbox, you can play it, delete
it, or rerecord it just as you do when you compose a message in Meridian Mail Voice
Messaging. Use the commands listed in Checking and editing your message, page 14.
Adding options to your recorded messages
When you record a message to leave in another person’s mailbox, you can add options
such as Urgent and Private just as you do when you compose a message in Meridian Mail
Voice Messaging. Use the commands described in Adding message options, page 15.
To log in after leaving a message
After you have left a message in another person’s mailbox, you may be able to log in
again to your Meridian Mail Voice Messaging mailbox without hanging up. This is useful if
you are using a pay phone or a credit card. Ask your system administrator if this option is
To log in after leaving a message in another person’s mailbox, press # then 81, and follow
the usual steps for logging in.