1. Allow unit to co ol at least 10 minutes before lifting the top housing to clean t he unit.
2. Use slightly da mp non-abrasive sponge or non-abrasive towel and wipe clean, then
wipe with non-abrasive dry towel.
3. Reassemble top housing to base of unit and stor e.
A. Top Housing Unit
B. Motor A > < B
C. Kernel Cap
< C
Display your RETRO POPCORN POPPER unit with pride and have a popping good day!
The RETRO POPCORN MAKER™ is designed for all regular an d premium brands of
popcorn. Ple ase note that yellow popc orn generally pops larger th an white p opcorn. Orga nic
popcorn will w ork, but is not highly reco mmended f or this machin e as less kern els will pop.
Make sure to use fresh popcorn kernels, as older, dried popcor n can scorch and cause
smoking in the unit.
Here’s a tip: If your popcorn is old and dried out, you ca n freshen it by putting the kernels
into an air tight container and leaving some space for shakin g. Put 1 teaspoon of water into
the container for each cup of popcorn. Shake twice a day for 3 days leaving the container in
the refrigerator. The kernels should be fresh again and ready to go at this time.
You can enjoy any flavor popcorn - in your own home - w ith The RETRO POPCORN
MAKER™. Here are some sample ideas/recipes to get yo u started.
NEVER put any seasoning or oil in the popcorn popping chamber. ALWAYS season your
popped popcorn after the popcorn has been popped and removed from The RETRO
Melt butter or margarine in the microwave. Pour over the popped popcorn and toss
with salt.
Spray with your favorite flavored vegetable spray and sprinkle with herbs - garlic
powder, chili powder, basil or oregano.