Please read these precautionary notes to insure a complete understanding and long life of this DJ turntable.
1. Unnecessarily removing the platter may cause damage to the magnet mounting structure, the motor or the
platter resulting in undesired performance. The turntable should ALWAYS be powered off before the turntable
platter is removed for any reason.
2. Repeatedly "interchanging" tonearm tubes may cause premature wear to components of the tonearm
assembly or the tonearm tubes. Interchange tubes only on an "as needed" basis.
3. Turning off the turntable while the output is set to LINE level or while the SPDIF output is in use will result in
an absence of audio. Keep this in mind during use - if the "motor off" effect is desired effect, it is
recommended that the BRAKE MOTOR CONTROL be adjusted.
4. Do not attempt to adjust or tighten any tonearm components. Undesirable performance may be a result of
an improperly adjusted tonearm or worn cartridge.
5. Never interchange tonearm tubes or the PITCH FADER and BUTTON CARTRIDGES while the turntable is
powered on.
6. Any attempt to "customize" the TT500 turntable beyond interchanging the tonearm tubes and fader/button
cartridges is not recommended and may result in PERMENANT DAMAGE to the turntable or a VOIDED
This turntable was designed to accommodate a variety of different mixing styles. Here are some general
operation guidelines to optimize the performance of the turntable.
1. Do not place the turntable on or near a speaker or subwoofer. This may cause unwanted noise depending on
the environment conditions.
2. ALWAYS use the included Slip Mat during record playback. This Slip Mat was designed to reduce friction
between the platter and the record to allow for rapid back cueing and efficient scratch play.
3. Using the tone arm Cue System may prevent damage to your stylus. First lift the Cue Lever, then position
the tone arm over the desired groove of the record, and finally lower the Cue Lever to slowly drop the tone
arm onto the record.
4. Always secure the tone arm using the Arm Clip when not in use. This can prevent stylus damage and
accidental tone arm engagement.
5. To reduce needle skipping, follow the guidelines in the Tone Arm Setup section of this manual. Too much
weight on a cartridge may cause erratic skipping or stylus damage.
Another guideline that may reduce skipping is back cueing and adjusting playback tempo by applying pressure
towards the center of the record near the spindle as indicated below.
Skipping induce by rapid cueing or scratching may be reduce by applying inward pressure to the side of the
record instead of applying pressure down on the record (see diagram below.)