WARNING: An incomplete understanding of this procedure could lead to permanent damage to the headshell,
your records, or the tonearm assembly.
NOTICE: Interchanging tonearm tubes unnecessarily may shorten the life of the tonearm tubes and/or
tonearm components.
This turntable features the world's only tonearm assembly capable of accommodating two different tonearm
tube styles: S-Shaped and Straight. The S-Shaped tube produces a higher signal to noise ratio with most
cartridge assemblies. The Straight tube is ideal for heavy back-cueing or scratching. Decide which tube to use
based on your mixing style.
1. Power off the turntable and any connected mixers, amplifiers or monitoring devices.
2. Remove the Cartridge from the tonearm tube that is currently installed on the tonearm tube by rotating the
locking collar counter clockwise.
3. Unclip the tonearm tube from the armrest.
4. Remove the tonearm tube by rotating the locking collar counter clockwise.
5. Insert the desired tonearm into the tonearm assembly with the screws FACING TOWARDS THE TURNTABLE
6. Tighten the tonearm tube in place by rotating the inner collar clockwise.
WARNING: It is only necessary to tighten the tonearm tube lock collar until resistance is felt. Over tightening
the tonearm tube lock collar will damage the tonearm tube.
7. Reinstall the headshell and proceed to TONEARM SETUP.
2. 3. 4.5. 7.DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN!6.