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Video Off Method
This option allows you to select how the video will be disabled by the power
management. The default is V/H Sync + Blank
V/H Sync + Blank: System turns off vertical and horizontal synchronization ports
and writes blanks to the video buffer.
DPMS Support: Select this option if your monitor supports the Display Power
Management Signaling (DPMS) standard of the Video
Electronics Standards Association (VESA). Use the software
supplied for your video subsystem to select video power
management values.
Blank Screen: System only writes blanks to the video buffer.
HDD Power Down
Powers down the hard disk drive after a preset period of system inactivity.
Options: Disabled, 1min ~ 15min.
HDD Down In Suspend
Lets you enable the HDD to power off in suspend mode.
Options: Enabled, Disabled.
Soft-Off by PBTN
Use this to select your soft-off function. The default is Instant Off.
Instant Off: Turns off the system instantly.
Delay 4 Second : Turns off the system after a 4 second delay. If momentary press
of button, the system will go into Suspend Mode. Press the
power button again to make system back to work.
WOL (PME#) From Soft-Off
An input signal from PME on the PCI card awakens the system from soft-off state.
Options: Enabled, Disabled.
WOR (RI#) From Soft-Off
An input Ring-In signal from the modem awakens the system from a soft-off state.
Options: Enabled, Disabled.
Power-On by Alarm
When set to Enable alarm resume, you can set the date (of month) and time (hh:mm:
ss), that will awaken a system which has been powered down.
Options: Enabled, Disabled.