C-343h Test 8259 functionality.
44h Reserved
45-46h Reserved
47h Initialize EISA slot
48h Reserved
49h 1 . Calculate total memory by testing the last double word of each 64K
2. Program writes allocation for AMD K5 CPU.
4A-4Dh Reserved
4Eh 1. Program MTRR of M1 CPU
2. Initialize L2 cache for P6 class CPU & program CPU with proper
cacheable range.
3. Initialize the APIC for P6 class CPU.
4. On MP platform, adjust the cacheable range to smaller one in case
the cacheable ranges between each CPU are not identical.
4Fh Reserved
50h Initialize USB
51h Reserved
52h Test all memory (clear all extended memory to 0)
53-54h Reserved
55h Display number of processors (multi-processor platform)
56h Reserved
57h 1 . Display PnP logo
2. Early ISA PnP initialization
-Assign CSN to every ISA PnP device.
58h Reserved
59h Initialize the combined Trend Anti-Virus code.
5Ah Reserved
5Bh (Optional Feature) Show message for entering AWDFLASH.EXE
from FDD (optional)
5Ch Reserved
5Dh 1. Initialize Init_Onboard_Super_IO switch.
2. Initialize Init_Onbaord_AUDIO switch.
5E-5Fh Reserved
60h Okay to enter Setup utility; i.e. not until this POST stage can users enter
the CMOS setup utility.
61-64h Reserved
65h Initialize PS/2 Mouse
66h Reserved
67h Prepare memory size information for function call: INT 15h ax=E820h
68h Reserved
69h Turn on L2 cache
6Ah Reserved
6Bh Program chipset registers according to items described in Setup & Auto-
configuration table.
6Ch Reserved
6Dh 1. Assign resources to all ISA PnP devices.
2. Auto assign ports to onboard COM ports if the corresponding item
in Setup is set to “AUTO”.