Oceanic Regulator
If possible, transport your regulator assembly (preferably dry) in a padded carrying case or equipment bag separated from sharp items (i.e., dive knife, spear gun, etc.) that might damage or scratch the components. You should also protect the second stages from damage from heavy objects ( i.e., dive light, first stage, etc.).
Prior to storing your regulator:
•Ensure that the complete regulator is clean and dry.
•If you were unable to clean the regulator prior to transport, or if it became exposed to other equipment that was not thoroughly cleaned prior to trans- port (such as a BC or wet suit), clean it thoroughly and allow it to dry natu- rally as previously described.
As soon as possible at the end of each day of diving:
•Install the first stage protector cap and tighten the yoke knob (or install the DIN thread protector cap).
•If possible, immerse the entire regulator assembly in a warm fresh water bath and soak for one hour, preferably while pressurized. DO NOT de- press the second stage purge button while the regulator is soaking. Doing so will allow water to flow into the sealed portion of the first stage.
•Remove from the bath and rinse all components of the assembly with slow running fresh water. DO NOT use full water pressure.
•Flush the ambient openings of the first stage and the exterior of all compo- nents thoroughly to remove dissolved salt and other contaminants.
•If the first stage is configured with a
•Flush the second stage by running water into the mouthpiece and out the exhaust ports. DO NOT depress the purge button while rinsing., doing so will allow water to enter the first stage.
•If possible, lay the complete assembly flat in a cool, dry place (out of di- rect sunlight) and allow the components to dry naturally.
•DO NOT inject or spray lubricants into or onto the first and second stages. Doing so can attract contamination that may subsequently interfere with proper operation.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt to disassemble or repair the first or second stages, or to adjust the first stage. Doing so could cause malfunction while underwater resulting in serious injury or death. It will also void the regulator's limited warranty.