C3400n User’s Guide
Setting from Windows Control PanelWhen you open the driver properties window directly from
Windows, rather than from within an application program, a
somewhat more extensive range of settings is provided.
Changes made here will generally affect all documents you
print from Windows applications, and will be remembered from
one Windows session to the next.
General tab
1. Features
This area lists some of the main features of your printer.
2. Printing Preferences
This button opens the same windows for items which can
be set from within application programs, as described
earlier in “Printing preferences in Windows applications”
on page 26. Changes you make here, however, will
become the new default settings for all Windows
3. Print Test Page
This button prints a test page to check that your printer is
Advanced tab
1. Available From
You can specify which times of day your printer will be
2. Priority
Indicates current priority, from 1 (lowest) to 99 (highest).
Highest priority documents will print first.
3. Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster
Specifies that documents should be spooled (stored in a
special print file) before being printed. The document is
then printed in the background, allowing your application
program to become available more quickly.
4. Start printing after last page is spooled