C3400n User’s Guide
Manual duplex printing using the cassette tray1. Ensure that there is enough paper in the cassette tray to carry
out the print job.
2. Select File -> Print and click the Properties button. In the 2-
sided printing drop down menu, select either “Long Edge” or
“Short Edge” according to your printing preferences. If you
require further information, click the Duplex Help button. Then,
Click the Print button.
3. Every sec ond page o f your docu ment is pr inted firs t. When th is is
complete, a message appears on screen prompting you to take
the paper, flip it and replace it in the Cassette Tray.
4. Open the Cassette Tray.
1-2_P paper out.jpg
5. Take the printed paper from the Output Stacker and place it in
the Cassette Tray with the printed side facing up and the bottom
of the page facing into the printer.