Media Settings (cont.)Media Settings for
Individual Print Jobs
If you are printing a job on special
media, you can temporarily load the
media in a tray and change the media
settings for that tray in the driver as
you print the job.
Ranges for Printer
Media Weight Settings
Note: To determine if a paper weight
is US Bond or Index, check the
metric equivalent. E.g.,
35 lb. US Bond = 132 g/m2
35 lb. Index = 64 g/m2
For more information, go to
Table 1: Media Weight Settings,
US Bond
Setting US Bond (Metric)
Light 16 to 19 lb.
(60 to 71 g/m2)
Medium 20 to 27 lb.
(75 to 101 g/m2)
Heavy 28 to 32 lb.
(105 to 120 g/m2)
Ultra Heavy 33 to 54 lb.
(124 to 203 g/m2)
Table 2: Media Weight Settings,
Setting Index (Metric)
Light 33 to 40 lb.
(60 to 71 g/m2)
Medium 42 to 56 lb.
(75 to 101 g/m2)
Heavy 58 to 67 lb.
(105 to 120 g/m2)
Ultra Heavy 69 to 113 lb.
(124 to 203 g/m2)