19 • Getting Started
Getting Started ______________________Now that you have installed and configured PrintSuperVision, use any browser-enabled computer
or device connected to your network to access the PSV application.
Open your browser and type the IP address of the PSV server, followed by /printsupervision.
For example: http://IP address/printsupervision.
If you are the Global Administrator or have Admin rights, click Login, and type your user name
and password.
Context Sensitive Help
Throughout the PrintSuperVision application, help is just a click away. For context sensitive help,
click the icon located in the upper right hand corner (next to the printer icon) on every page.
User Access Levels
One of the first things to decide is the level of access rights to assign to each user. There are 3
ways a user can access the PSV application from any browser:
• Without Logging into PSV.
• Logging in as a User.
• Logging in as an Administrator.
Be aware that certain menu options are only available to users with Admin rights that have logged
into PSV. See example below:
Professional Edition: User is not logged in
Enterprise Edition: User is logged in as an Administrator
If a user does not log in, the two areas that are not accessible are Reports and Services and the
following functionality will not be available:
• Cannot view, add, or configure Alerts.
• Cannot generate any type of report or configure email sending.
Adding a User/Assigning Individual User Rights
To add an individual user to the system
1. Select Options from the main menu.