How to use this manual
How to use this manualThis manual contains a table of contents and index which allows you to immediately refer to a function you
would like to use or find information on.
Searching from the table of contents (g page 7)
The titles in this manual are listed.
Titles are arranged according to the task you want to perform. For example, there is a chapter on preparative
operations of your m:robe, a chapter on basic music playing operations.
Searching from the index (g page 58)
Terms used in this manual such as function names and names of parts are listed in alphabetic order. While
reading this manual if you come across a term you do not understand or would like more information on, the
index will refer you to the page in which the term is used.
What do the marks mean?
This manual uses the following marks:
Mark Meaning
Indicates useful information for convenient m:robe
Indicates directions and cautions when you operate
your m:robe.
gIndicates a reference page.
Inro 0_E.book Page 5 Wednesday, November 17, 2004 3:51 PM