STEP 6 – Configure Device Network Settings using DaqIPConfig
Applies only to a LAN (Local Area Network), which has a no DHCP server.
If using a LAN (Local Area Network), which has a DHCP server, skip this section
and continue with STEP 7 - Configure and Test the System using the
Daq*Configuration Applet (page 6-10).
The DaqIPConfig applet, designed for 32-bit Windows NT/2000/XP systems, allows you to change the
IP address of a device to match the address of a host computer. The applet is located in the program
group for the associated device and can be accessed from the Windows Desktop via the start menu.
1. Locate the DaqIPConfig Applet.
Locate the DaqIPConfig applet by navigating from the Windows’ Desktop as follows:
Start Menu ⇒ Programs ⇒ Omega DaqX Software ⇒ DaqIPConfig
2. Open the DaqIPConfig Applet.
Click on the DaqIPConfig selection to open the applet.
3. Select the device that is to have the address change.
Note: In the above figure there is only one device to select, i.e., DaqLab/2001.
4. Set the internet protocol (TCP/IP) settings to be compatible with host computer.
(a) Select the radio button labeled “Use the following IP address.”
(b) Enter the new internet protocol settings. If needed, consult your network
administrator for acceptable numbers.
(c) Click the <OK> button.
5. Reboot the device.
The new IP address will not take affect until the device has been powered-off, then powered
back on.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 for other devices in the system.
After configuring the network settings for all devices, proceed to Step 7.
DaqLab/2000 Series & DaqScan/2000 Series 898195 Configuring the System for Operation 6-9