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Remote control will be seized by sending an RS232 character, and relinquished by sending the LOCAL command. While in remote control the front panel buttons will be locked out (inoperative) and the right hand decimal point will indicate remote operation (local lock-out). RS232 parameters will be a fixed baud ate and word length. 9600 Baud, 8 Data, No parity, 1 stop bit.

Remote control of calibration has not been included. (Refer to section 4).


Command strings are limited to a single statement action will occur on receipt of The “end of line” character. All actions will return a status character followed by Data if appropriate. The status will be “• ” for a successful transaction; Other values indicate syntax error, broken probe etc.

All commands may be abbreviated to their first two letters eg. UNITS OHMS becomes UN OH. Input delimiters will be spaces or commas.