Installation Tasks
8 Oracle Retail Data Warehouse
Create the RDW Database and Tablespaces

Create the Database as Follows

1. Login to the RDW database server as the rdwdba user.
2. Create the Oracle recommended OFA directory structure for the database (datafile
directories, adump, bdump, cdump, arch, create, exp, pfile, udump, utl_file_dir).
3. Place an entry in the oratab file for the database and execute oraenv to set the
ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME environment variables.
4. Copy INSTALL_DIR/rdw13/create_db/init.ora to the $ORACLE_HOME/pfile
directory and rename it to init${ORACLE_SID}.ora. Modify the parameters
according to guidelines specified in this file.
5. Create a symbolic link from $ORACLE_HOME/pfile/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora to
6. Modify the INSTALL_DIR/rdw13/create_db/crdb1.sql file. Refer to comments in
this file regarding modifications that need to be made.
7. Login to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and execute
INSTALL_DIR/rdw13/create_db/crdb1.sql. Review crdb1.log for errors and correct
as needed.
8. Login to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and execute
INSTALL_DIR/rdw13/create_db/crdb2.sql. Review crdb2.log for errors and correct
as needed.
9. Login to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and execute
INSTALL_DIR/rdw13/create_db/crdb3.sql. Review JServer.log, context.log and
xdb_protocol.log for errors and correct as needed.
10. Configure the database listener.

Create RDW Tablespaces

1. As the rdwdba user, change directories to INSTALL_DIR/rdw13/create_db.
2. Modify the create_rdw_tablespaces.sql script as appropriate. Refer to Appendix D.
3. Login to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and execute:
4. Review create_rdw_tablespaces.log for errors and correct as needed.