Installation Tasks
14 Oracle Retail Data Warehouse
the error files that were created for g_time_load and g_time_trnsfrm_load if 454 time
with Gregorian calendar is used.
13. Refer to the RDW Operations Guide for more information on the log files and error
Note: DAY_IDNT serves as a surrogate key for day of the
time. It can represent 454 time, 13 period time or Gregorian
time. Since it is a surrogate key, it does not have meaning to
it as long as it is unique across all the days of the time used
in RDW.
Populate Static Dimension Data There are several dimension tables in RDW that must be loaded before loading Voucher
Facts and executing some reports. In order to determine the information needed for these
tables, refer to the RDW Operations Guide, Appendix A ‘API Flat File Specifications’.
Sample flat files have been provided in the <base_directory>/rdw13.0/install directory,
these tables must be populated according to business requirements.
The tables to be populated are time_last_yr_by_day_lfl_dm, time_last_yr_by_wk_lfl_dm,
vchr_age_band_dm. See the RDW Data Model documentation for more information on
the tables and the column descriptions to be loaded.
1. Login to the RDW database server as the UNIX user rdw13dev. Verify the RETL
executable is in the path of your UNIX session by typing:
which rfx
2. Change directories on the UNIX server to <base_directory>/rdw13.0/install. This
directory contains the code for all default data install scripts.
3. The script timelfldm.ksh loads the following Time ‘Like for Like’ tables that are used
exclusively by the reports:
4. Load the Time ‘Like for Like’ tables by executing the script. At the UNIX prompt,
5. Change directories on the UNIX server to <base_directory>/rdw13.0/log. Review
the log file that was created or modified.
6. On the UNIX server, change directories to <base_directory>/rdw13.0/error. Review
the error files that were created.
7. On the UNIX server, change directories to <base_directory>/rdw13.0/install. The
script, vchragedm.ksh, loads the table, vchr_age_band_dm, which is used by the
voucher fact load batch module. At the UNIX prompt, enter:
8. On the UNIX server, change directories to <base_directory>/rdw13.0/log. Review
the log file that was created or modified.
9. On the UNIX server, change directories to <base_directory>/rdw13.0/error. Review
the error files that were created.
Refer to the RDW Operations Guide for more information on the log files and error files.