than 1 will emphasize faint details, while a value greater than 1 will emphasize
bright details.
The Input Range can be set to Screen Stretch, which in Linear Mode pro-
duces an output matching the current screen appearance. This is useful in
producing final images for output to 8-bit image formats which have limited
range. Note that the minimum and maximum values are always taken from the
screen stretch settings for the original image. These can be adjusted dynami-
cally using, for example, Quick Stretch. The Max Pixel selection sets the input
range from 0 to the brightest pixel in the image. This prevents any image pix-
els from being saturated in the final result, but may produce images with low
contrast. You can also manually set values with Manual Settings in a similar
fashion to the Screen Stretch Window.
The Output Range is used when preparing a file to be saved in a format that
has limited range. The Output Range maps minimum input to zero, and maxi-
mum input to 255, 4095, or 65535 depending on the settings. Any values that
exceed the limits are clipped. The Unlimited setting disables all limiting and is
recommended when performing Gamma and Log stretches; it is appropriate
when the image will be saved in floating point format.
Recommended Processing Sequence
What is the best order to apply the processing functions in? Here is a recom-
mended sequence:
1. Dark Subtract
2. Make Pixels Square
Figure 16. The Stretch command modifies the data contained within the image in
order to improve contrast and brightness.