Important Safety Instructions
6 900-0113-01-00 Rev A
National Institute of Recyclers, Mexico Web site: http://www.inare.org.mx/
Email: a57841279@prodigy.net.mx, margarita@inare.org.mx
Phone: +
Natural Resources Canada Address: 580 Booth, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8
Phone: +1.613.995.0947
TTY: +1.613.996.4397
(Phone and TTY: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET)
Web site: http://www.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/mms-smm/busi-indu/rec-rec-eng.htm
Office of Waste Management, Canada Address: Office of Waste Management
Conservation and Protection
Environment Canada
Ottawa, Ontaro K1A 0H3
Phone: +1.819.997.2800
Web site: http://www.portaec.net/library/recycling/recycling_in_canada.html
The following website provides general information about recycling in Europe. It also provides a list of
companies and organizations that provide recycling information or assistance.
Web site: http://euro.recycle.net
E-mail: http://euro.recycle.net/cgi-bin/feedback1.cgi?w=27
(This is an online form providing a means to contact the owners of the website.)
PETCore, Europe The following website provides information about PET Recycling in Europe.
Web site: www.PETCore.org
Address: Avenue E.Van Nieuwenhuyse 4/3
Fax: +.
E-mail: petcore@btconnect.com