ARCvault Overview

Tape cartridges are loaded using the tape magazines provided. The ARCvault 48 has four magazines, two on each side. As a safety feature, the magazine doors must be shut before the internal robotics can function.

Open Door

Tape Cartridge Magazines

There are two ways to interface with an ARCvault unit— the Operator Control Panel (OCP) touch screen on the front panel (Figure 5) or Remote Management Utility (RMU) accessed via a web browser using the default IP address of

Door Handle

RA C- 00 73

Retaining ThumbscrewsOperator Control Panel

Ventilation Slots

Figure 5. ARCvault Front Panel

All cabling and power connections, along with the unit’s power switch, are located on the rear panel (Figure 6). On a SCSI configuration, the top two SCSI ports connect to Drive 1 and the bottom two ports connect to Drive 2.

Access to the tape drive bay is available through the tape drive cover assemblies. Connections are available for Ethernet and serial cabling. All unit cooling exhaust is handled through the rear panel.

Tape Drive CoverSCSI PortsSystem Exhaust FanPower Switch

AC Receptacle

RA -C 00 90

Lower Drive Bay CoverThumbscrews

Ethernet Port Serial Port

Figure 6. ARCvault Rear Panel (SCSI Configuration)

Attaching Cables

You are ready to connect the unit to your host system. For additional information, see the ARCvault 48 User Guide.

SCSI Drives - Single Host

The default SCSI configuration is two half-height drives.

1.Connect the LVD SCSI cable to the top SCSI port and the other end to your system.

2.Attach the SCSI jumper cable between the second and third ports (Drives 1 and 2).

3.Attach the SCSI terminator to the fourth SCSI port.

Part Number 10400007-101 04/2007

©2007 Overland Storage, Inc.

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