Electronics & Handheld Devices 71
Patent Number:
US 7,224,345
Pad computer
Leonard M. Kawell; Mary Ellen Heinen;
Patrick M. McGowan; Alan Ball
Issue Date:
May 29, 2007
Earliest Filing Date:
October 30, 2003
Representative Independent Claim:
A computer comprising a housing for enclosing
a microprocessor, the housing having a top face,
a left side, and a right side, said top face having
an upper half and a lower half, and including
a screen in the top face, the screen positioned
between the left and right sides to dene a rst
region between the left side and the screen, and
a second region between the right edge and the
screen, the system including a built-in QWERTY
key board in the top face with at least some of the
QWERTY keys in the rst region and some of the
QWERTY keys in the second region, wherein the
QWERTY key board is completely located within
the upper half of the top face, and wherein the
top face is of unitary construction such that the
rst and second regions of the top face are xed
relative to each other.
Pad computer 3