Step 9: Install Palm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link
a HotSync operation. If a newer version of the MyPalm mobile portal
is found, it replaces the current version on your handheld during the
HotSync operation.
Step 9: Install Palm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop LinkPalm™ MultiMail® Deluxe Desktop Link securely forwards e-mail
from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 or 2000 with Microsoft Outlook 98
and higher. When your handheld receives forwarded e-mail, it notifies
you by blinking the red indicator light at paired intervals, vibrating, or
sounding an alarm. At the bottom of the Activation web page, you will
see a link that you can click to download Palm MultiMail Deluxe
Desktop Link.
TIP For complete information about Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop
Link, download MultiMail Desktop Link Handbook from
http://www.palm.com/support/i705/desktoplink/. We recommend
printing this book prior to installation and keeping it for reference.
IMPORTANT You must complete installation of Palm™Desktop software
and activation before downloading Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link.
After activation, download Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link to your
computer’s hard drive, and then open the downloaded file and follow the
instructions to install Palm MultiMail Deluxe Desktop Link on your
computer. Make sure you install it on the same computer you use to
access your business e-mail. You can also download Palm MultiMail
Deluxe Desktop Link later by going to: http://www.palm.com/support/
Did you upgrade from another Palm OS handheld?If you upgraded and did not create a new user name for your new
handheld, your new handheld and your old handheld now ha ve the
same user name. We strongly recommend that you perform a hard
reset on your old handheld to erase all data from it and assign it a new
user name during the next HotSync operation. See the electronic
Handbook for details.
Everest_GSG.book Page 7 Thursday, January 24, 2002 2:56 PM