Chapter 5 Page 83
Note: When you have an expansion card properly seated in the
expansion card slot, the last item in the category pick list will
be the name of the expansion card. You cannot otherwise
categorize applications that reside on an expansion card.
Address Book contains the QuickList user-defined category, in which
you can store the names, addresses, and phone numbers you might
need in emergencies (doctor, fire department, lawyer, etc.).
Expense contains two user-defined categories, New York and Paris, to
show how you might sort your expenses according to different
business trips.
Note: The illustrations in this section come from Address Book, but
you can use these procedures in all the applications in which
categories are available.
To move a record into a category:
1. Select the record you want to categorize.
2. In Address Book only: Tap Edit.
3. Tap Details.
4. Tap the Category pick list to display the list of available categories.
5. Select the category for the record.
6. Tap OK.
Note: In Address Book, Note Pad, and Memo Pad you can tap the
category name in the upper-right corner of the screen and
select a new category for the item.