Setting of Menu Items
!Maintenance menu
M KNEE POINT | :95.00% |
R KNEE POINT | :+00.00% |
B KNEE POINT | :+00.00% |
M KNEE SLOPE | :95.00% |
R KNEE SLOPE | :+000 |
B KNEE SLOPE | :+000 |
A.KNEE POINT | :95.00% |
A.KNEE LVL | :108 |
WHITE CLIP LVL | :109% |
3 Knee&white clip adjustment menu
M KNEE POINT: Master knee point ad- justment.
G, B, R knee point can be totally adjusted. R, B KNEE POINT: R, B knee point ad- justment.
Besides the master knee point adjust- ment, R, B knee point can be independ- ently adjusted.
M KNEE SLOPE: Master knee slope ad- justment.
G, B, R knee slope can be totally ad- justed.
R, B KNEE SLOPE: R, B knee slope ad- justment.
Besides the master knee slope adjust- ment, R, B knee slope can be indepen- dently adjusted.
A. KNEE POINT: Auto knee point setting. Knee point in auto knee mode is set.
A. KNEE LVL: Auto knee level.
WHITE CLIP LVL: White clip level ad- justment.
Video level with white clipped is set. KNEE: KNEE mode (OFF/MANU/AUTO) OFF: Knee function is turned OFF MANU: Knee function is adjustable with menu.
AUTO: Auto knee function is executed.
WHITE CLIP: White clip operation set- ting.
With it ON, white clip is effective.