Phonebook using the Base Unit (KX-TGP550 only)
LYou can also select the line manually as
{LINE} i {V}/{^}: Select the desired line.
i Lift the corded handset.
Canceling a speed dial assignment
1Press and hold the desired speed dial key ({1}
{9}). i {ERASE}
2{V}/{^}: Yes i {SELECT} i {EXIT}
Copying base unit phonebook entries
You can copy base unit phonebook entries to the
phonebook of a handset.
LRinger ID for phonebook entries are not copied.
LYou can copy handset phonebook entries to
another handset or base unit by exporting the
data to a computer and importing it (page 25).
Copying an entry
1Find the desired entry (page 23). i {MENU}
2{V}/{^}: Copy i {SELECT}
3Enter the handset number you wish to send
the phonebook entry to.
L When an entry has been copied,
Completed is displayed.
LTo continue copying another entry:
{V}/{^}: Yes i {SELECT} i Find the
desired entry. i {SEND}
Copying all entries
1{C} (left soft key) i {MENU}
2{V}/{^}: Copy all items i {SELECT}
3Enter the handset number you wish to send
the phonebook entry to.
LWhen all entries have been copied,
Completed is displayed.
Export/import phonebook entries
You can export the phonebook entries through the
Web user interface to your computer as a tab
separated value file. It makes it possible to add,
edit, or erase phonebook entries more
conveniently on a spreadsheet (.csv) using
Microsoft Excel, for example, on your computer.
After editing, the file should be imported to the unit.
To export/import entries, contact your
LEntries deleted on your computer are not
replicated in the phonebook of the unit when
importing. Erase unnecessary entries with your
unit, not through the Web user interface.