Panasonic NC-PF30PV manual AcAUnoN, Awarning, SafetyPrecautions, fovl Cgrd

Models: NC-PF30PV

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To PreventBurns

Neverdo anythingthat might causedamageto the cord, power plug or body plug,

suchas damagethem,modifythem,placehotobjects nearto them,bendthem,twistthem,stretchthem, placeheavyobjectson them,or bundlethemtogether. lf the unitis usedwhendamaged,electricalshoft circuitor firemayresult.

olf thesupplycordis damaged,it mustbe replaced by a specialcordavailablefromthe manufacturer or its serviceagent.

Do not connector disconnectthe power plug or the body plug with wet hands.

Thismayresultin electricshock.

Body plug

.Theshapeof plugdiffersaccordingto region.

Do not placethe unit on unstablesurfaces.


Whenopeningor closing the lid, keep hands awayfrom the steam. Steamcancauseburns.

Do not open the lid or dispensehot water while boiling. Splashinghotwateror steammaycauseburns.

Do not rotatethe unit while dispensinghot water.


Do not touch the hot pafts of the unit during use or shortlyafteruse. Thismaycauseburns.

Do not allow infants access to the body plug.

You mustpayspecialattentionto preventinfantsfromputtingthebodyplugintotheirmouths. Thismayresultin electricshockor injury.

Do not placesmall metalparts nearthe body plug.

Thismayresultin electricshock,electricalshoftcircuitor fire.

Make sure the power plug is correctly inserted into the wall outlet.

lf the plugis insertedimproperlyit maycauseelectricshockor generateheatresultingin fire. oDo notusea damagedplugor a connectionin a looseoutlet.

Cleandust from the power plug or the body plug regularly.

Abuild-upof duston theplugwillattractcondensation,whichcouldcausecabledamageand thedeteriorationof insulationresultingin fire.

oRemove plugs cleanthemwitha drycloth.

the and

Use a single outlet that matches the power rating of the unit.

Heatgeneratedwhenpluggingin multipleappliancesintooneoutletmayresultin fire.


Do not immerse the unit in water or splash water over it.

oDo notsupplywaterdirectlyfromthetapor placethe unitin a sinkwherethe bottommayget wet.

oDo notturnthe unitupsidedownwhenthebottomis wet.

It maycausea shortcircuitandmayresultin electricshock,andalsoifthewaterovedlowsthe potandit enterstheelectricalpartsbuiltintothemainunit,it maycausemalfunction.

Neverdisassemble,repair or modify the unit.

Anyattemptto do so maycausetheunitto operateabnormallyandmayresultin fireor injury. olf in needof repair(exceptforthe replacementparts),pleasecontactan authorizedService


Do not use to store ice.

Condensationwilloccur,creatinga potentialsourceof electricshockand malfunctron.

Whencarryingthe unit,do not touchthe lid openinglever.

The lidmayopencausingburnsandotherinjury.

Waituntilthe unit is cooleddown beforemaintenance.


oWhendisposinghotwater,be carefulnotto getburned.

fovl Cgrd

Only use the power cord designed specifically for the unit. Do not use a different cord and do not use this cord with any other device.

It maycausemalfunctionor fire.

Whenthe unit is not in use, unplugthe power plug from the wall outlet.

Deterioratinginsulationmayresultin electricshockand/ or fire.

When unpluggingthe unit, pull by the power plug - not the cord.

Electricshockand shortcircuitmavresultin fire.



Do not use the unit on surfacesthat can be affectedby heat for a long time. The unitmaygetdiscoloredor breakup.

Do not placenearwalls or furniture.

Steamandheatcoulddamagewallsandfurniture,causinga changein colorandshape.

lmportant j

Do not use Electricand Air dispenses at the same time.





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Panasonic NC-PF30PV manual AcAUnoN, Awarning, SafetyPrecautions, fovl Cgrd