Panasonic SR-42HP/42F manual Importantsafeguards, Savetheseinstructions

Models: SR-42HP/42F

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Whenusingelectricalappliances,basicsafetyprecautionsshould alwaysbe observedincludingthe following:

1. Readall instructions.

2. Do not touchhotsurfacesUse.handlesor knobs.

3. To protectagainstelectricalshock,do not immersecord,plugs,and Rice Cooker,exceptlidand pan,in wateror otherliquid.

4. close supervisionis necessarywhenanyapplianceis usedby or nearchildren. 5. Unplugfromoutletwhennot in useand cool

beforeputtingon or takingoff parts.

6. Do not operateany appliancewitha damagedcordor plugor after the appliancemalfunctionsor has beendamagedin any manner. Returnapplianceto the nearestauthorizedservicefacilityfor examination,repair,or adjustment.

7. The useof accessoryattachmentsnot recommendedby the appliance manufacturermaycauseinjuries.

8. Do not useoutdoors.

9. Do not letcordhangoveredgeof tableor counter,or touchhot surfaces.

10. Do not placeon or neara hot gas or electricburner,or in a heatedoven.

11.Extremecautionmustbe usedwhenmovingan appliancecontaining hot oilor otherhot liquids.

12. Do not useappliancefor otherthanintendeduse. 13. Thisproductis intendedfor householduse.



A. A shortpowersupplycordset is providedto reducethe riskresultingfrom becomingentangledin or trippingovera longercord.

B. Longercordset or extensioncordsare availableand may be usedif carers exercisedin theiruse

C. lf a longercordset or extensioncordis used,

(1)the markedelectricalratingof the cordset or extensioncordshouldbe at teastas greatas the electricalratingof the appliance,

(2)Jhelongercordshouldbe arrangedso thatit willnotdrapeoverthe countenopor tabletopwhereit can be pulledon by childrenor tripped overunintentionallv.

Thisappliancehasa polarizedplug:(one bladeis widerthanthe other) As a safetyfeature,thisplugwillfit in a polarizedouiletonlyone way.

lf the plugdoesnotfit completelyintothe walloutlet,removeand try again. lf it stilldoesnot fit,contacta qualifiedelectrician.

Do not attemptto defeatthis safetvfeature.

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Panasonic SR-42HP/42F manual Importantsafeguards, Savetheseinstructions