Using VIERALink menu
OThis functionis availablewith DIGA Recorderwhich has HDD and "HDAVI Control"functionwhen watchingTV programmeor inputfrom DIGA Recorder.
*If you cannotoperate, check the VIERA Linkusetting in m8etupmenu"(page 18) and the equipment.
Display"VIERA Link menu"pause 4.qa"
0 select"Pause Live TV" and press OK to pause | deselect |
Live TV programmeis recordedon HDDfrom the point1twas paused. |
NTo resume (stoppause)
Select "Pause Live TV" and pressOK
About the operation afterresuming, referto the manual of the equipment.
ETo return to LiveTV (cancel pause or resume playback) Change the inputmode or programmenumber.
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TV Rec
Olf you cancel pause or resume playback, the recordedprogrammewill be deleted from HDD.
*This functionis availablewith DIGA Recorderwhich has HDD and 'HDANA Control"functionwhen watchingTV programme.
Olf you cannotoperate, check the VIERA Unk" setting in "Setup menu"(page 18) and the equipment.
GIThe recording is performed using the tuner of DIGA Recorder. During recording,
you can change the programmenumber,input mode or turn offthe TV. of
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