9.SECURELYAssemble one ( I ) SPRING PIN ASSEMBLYto the SWIVEL, as shown in (DETAIL
10.Insert two (2) 3/4 IN. FLANGEBEARINGSinto the BUSHINGon the BENCHFRAMEas shown drawing.
h3sert the SHAFTof the SWIVELthrough the 3/4 IN. FLANGEBEARINGSon ti~e BENCHFRAMEas shown on drawing, and SECUREin place with one (1) STARLOCKCOLLAR.
12.Insert two (2) 3/4 IN. FLANGEBEARINGSinto the BUSHINGon the PAD SUPPORTas shown dra\\.'il~g.
14.[nser~ two (2)
15.Slide one (1) 3/4"IN. WASIqERover the SHAFTof the ADJUSTMENTSLIDE. Insert the SHAFT
Ihe AD,IUSTMENTSLIDE lhrougl l the 3/4 IN. FLANGEBEARINGSon the PAD SUPPORTas shown on drawing, and SECUREin place with one (1) STAR LOCKCOLLAR.
16.Pull back the SPRINGPIN on the SWIVEL,and insert the ADJUSTMENTSLIDE, down t~ the first adjtsmlent hole. Release the SPRINGPIN into the hole.
17.SECURELYattach the BACKPAD to the PAD SUPPORTusing foul" (4) 3/8 X
(4)3:8 IN. LOCKWASIIERS. and four (4)3/8 IN. WASHERS.
19.[o adjust the SEATPADlbr the LEGEXTENSIONposition, pull out on the
20.'Fo ad.iust the SEATPADibr rl~e DECLINEor INCLINEposition, rotate the
21.The exlra 2 IN. SQ. ENDCAP is for the top of the UPRIGHTTUBEon the BENCHFRAME.If attachmenls will be used. this CAPwill not be needed.
Ilasert one ( I ) THUMBSCREWinto the UPRIGHTTUBEof the BENCHFRAMEas shown on drawing. This will be used for secuing attaclu'nents in place.