Configuration Options
3162-A2-GB20-30 March 1999
Management and Communication:

Communication Protocol Options Value (Default in Bold)

Node IP Address
Text Field
, Clear
Node Subnet Mask
Text Field
, Clear
Default Network Destination None, Com, Aux, FDL, EDL1, EDL2
Communication Port IP Address
Text Field
, Clear
Communication Port Subnet Mask
Text Field
, Clear
Com Link Protocol PPP, SLIP
Auxiliary Port IP Address
Text Field
, Clear
Auxiliary Port Subnet Mask
Text Field
, Clear
Management and Communication:

General SNMP Management Options Value (Default in Bold)

SNMP Management Enable, Disable
Community Name 1
Text Field
, Clear
Name 1 Access Read, R/W
Community Name 2
Text Field
, Clear
Name 2 Access Read, R/W
Management and Communication:

SNMP NMS Security Options Value (Default in Bold)

NMS IP Validation Enable, Disable
Number of Managers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
IP Address
Text Field
, Clear
Access Level Read, R/w