Configuration Option Procedures — DCP Commands1. Move to the Configure branch and select a configuration area to load from: Active
(Operating), Active (Saved), Customer 1, Customer 2, or Factory (Async Dial,
Sync Dial, Sync Leased, or UNIX Dial). If Enhanced Throughput Cellular (ETC) is
installed, Factory areas Cellular (Mobile) and Cellular (PSTN) are also available.
Select Configure from the Top-Level menu.
Idle : 19.2
Test Configure
F2 F3
Scroll to the area you wish to load.
Ld EditArea frm <
F2 F3
2. Select Edit to choose the set of configuration options to be edited: DTE Interface,
DTE Dialer, Line Dialer, Dial Line, Leased Line, V.42/MNP/Buffer, Tests, Misc, or
Edit StrapGroup <
Test Misc
F2 F3
3. When the new configuration is completed, Save the edited configuration options to
the desired configuration area: Active (Saved), Customer 1, Customer 2.
Sav EditArea to >
Active (Saved)
F2 F3