Parasound Limited Warranty (USA only)
This warranty becomesvoid if theproducthasbeendamagedby alteration,misuse,accidentor neglect. Alteration includesany removal,obscurationor defacementof its serialnwnber. This warranty becomesvoid if unit hasbeenconnectedor operatedcontrary to printed instructions.
Thewarrantorassumesno liability for property damageor any other incidentalor consequential damagewhatsoeverwhich may result from the failure of this product. Any andall warrantiesof
merchantabilityand fitnessimplied by law arelimited to the durationof this expressedwarranty.
Somestatesdo not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above limitations may not apply to you. Somestatesdo not al1owthe exclusionor limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages,so theabovelimitation or exclusionmay not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights andyou may alsohaveother rights which vary state by state.
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