X250.5 Owners Manual
tention be paid to cleanliness of contact surfaces and proper fit.
Speaker cables should be fir mly tightened down at the speaker output
ter minals, but do not use a wrench. These connectors will not with-
stand unrealistic foot-lbs of torque. Hand tightening without exces-
sive force is plenty.
Hardware Facts
So how long will this hardware last? It is our experience that, bar ring
abuse or the odd failure of a component, the first things to go will be
the power supply capacitors, and from experience, they will last 15 to
20 years before needing replacement. For tunately these components
die g racefully; typically with years of war ning and are easily replaced.
After that, the longevity will depend on the number of operating ther-
mal cycles, but we can attest to having had amplifiers operating in the
field in excess of 20 years with no par ticular mortality except capaci-
tors. We don’t have g ood infor mation beyond that. More to the point,
we would sug gest that you not wor r y about it. This is a conser vatively
built industrial design, not a tweaky tube circuit r un on the brink of
failure. If it breaks, we will simply get it fixed, so sleep well.