This 1/4" mono jack is designed to accommodate most any guitar output signal. Input signal gain
can be adjusted by the PRE GAIN (7) control (Lead channel only).
This 1/4" mono jack is designed to accommodate instruments with extremely high outputs that
might overdrive the high gain input. It is -6 dB from the high gain input. If both inputs are used
simultaneously, both will be low gain.
This control sets the overall level of the Clean channel.
This switch selects the voicing of the Clean channel. The MODERN position reflects the tones of
current amplifier design. The VINTAGE position changes the EQ and adds brightness to simulate
classic amp design.
These passive controls allow adjustment of LOW, MID, and HIGH frequencies. The tonal changes
produced by these controls will vary depending on the position of the MODE RN / VINTAGE
SWITCH (4). The “0” position is maximum cut; the “10” position is maximum boost.
These indicators signify the active channel. Green indicates Clean channel activation; red
indicates Lead channel activation.
This control adjusts the input gain of the Lead channel. Increasing input gain will increase preamp
distortion and sustain.
This switch selects both the gain and voicing of the Lead channel. The MODE RN position
increases gain and notches (cuts) mid frequencies to establish a “hard rock/metal” tone. The
VINTAGE position replicates overdriven classic tube amps, while the HIGH GAIN setting increases
gain and changes the EQ to allow leads/solos to “cut through.”
These passive controls allow adjustment of LOW, MID, and HIGH frequencies. The “0” position is
maximum cut; the “10” position is maximum boost.
FFrroonntt PPaanneell
1 2 3
7 8 10 11 12 13 14 155 9