10 | 12 | 14 | 16 |
8 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 |
MID GAIN CONTROL (Channel 1) (8)
This controls the output level of the channel 1 mid frequency signal (signal above the selected low/mid crossover point and below the selected mid/high crossover point) present at the channel 1 mid output XLR.
HIGH GAIN CONTROL (Channel 1) (9)
This controls the output level of the channel 1 high frequency signal (signal above the selected mid/high crossover point) present at the channel 1 high output XLR.
This mutes the output of the associated level controls.The Mute function will be indicated by the illumination of the red LED located above the associated switch.
This switch selects between stereo
This switch combines the sub frequencies of both channel 1 and channel 2 into a single output, which allows you to use half as many amplifiers as you would with two channels of subs.The Summed function will be indicated by the illumination of the red LED above the switch.
INPUT GAIN CONTROL (Channel 2) (13)
This control is used to optimize the channel 2 gain between the mixer and the power amps for channel 2.The control range is between
CLIP INDICATOR (Channel 2) (14)
When illuminated, the red Clip indicator located to the upper right of the Input Gain control indicates that the signal is clipping.This clipping may be heard as distortion.While there should be no problem if this indicator flashes occasionally, it should never flash constantly or stay illuminated.This could result in impaired system performance and possible loudspeaker damage.
CROSSOVER SELECTOR CONTROL (Channel 2 lows/mids) (15)
This allows users to choose their desired crossover points for lows and the low side of the mids for channel 2.The control range is between 80 Hz and 900 Hz or 800 Hz and 9 kHz, depending on the position of the Range switch.
RANGE (x10) SWITCH (Channel 2 lows/mids) (16)
This switch multiplies the value indicated on the Crossover Selector control for the lows and the low side of the mids times 10.When engaged, the range will change from 80 Hz - 900 Hz to 800 Hz - 9 kHz. Range x10 is indicated by the illumination of the red LED above the switch.