Four 6L6GCs with 12AX7 driver
Rated Power & Load:
120 W RMS into 16, 8, or 4 ohms
Power @ Clipping:
(typically @ 5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 VAC line) 130 W RMS into 16, 8, or 4 ohms
(Bias must be reduced to measure)
Frequency Response:
Hum 81 Noise:
Greater than 76 dB below rated power
Power Consumption:
Domestic: 400 W, 50/60 Hz, 120 V AC
Export: 400 W, 60 Hz,
Dimensions & Weight:
11 .O” (H) x 26.5” (W) x 11 .O” (D) 50.1 Ibs.
Three 12AX7s
The following specs are measured @ 1 kHz with the controls preset as follows:
Low & High EQ @ 10, Mid EQ @ 0 Bright out
Ultra & Crunch Posts @ IO Gain switches out
Bottom, Body, & Edge @ 0 dB Reverb level @ 0
Master level @ 10
(Nominal levels are with Pre Gain @ 5. Minimum levels are with Pre Gain @ 10.)
Preamp High Gain Input:
Impedance: Very
Ultra Channel: (with Channel Select in) Nominal Input Level:
Crunch Channel: (Footswitch selectecI1 Nominal Input Level:
Clean Channel: (with Channel Select out! Nominal Input Level:
Preamp Low Gain Input:
Effects Send:
Load Impedance: 47 K ohms or greater
Nominal Output:
Effects Return:
Impedance: Very
Designed Level:
Preamp Output:
Load Impedance: 47 K ohms or greater
Nominal Output: +I0 dBV, 3 V RMS
Remote Footswitch:
System Hum & Noise @ Nominal Level:
(Clean channel - 20 Hz to 20 kHz unweighted) Greater than 74 dB below rated power (Special noise gate circuitry for Ultra & Crunch)
Equalization: (clean channel on/y)
Custom Low, Mid, & High passive type EQ Push Bright: +6 dB @ 2 kHz
Voicing: (U/tra & Crunch channels only)
Active Bottom, Body, & Edge EQ
Push Gain: Increases gain in Ultra & Crunch channels