C1669M (4/05) 3

DX8000 Settings Export/Import Procedure

This section describes how to upgrade the DX8000 Series DVR software from Version to Version
The DX8000 Settings export/import procedure describes how to do the following:
Export your current DX8000 configuration settings
Use the DX8000 Recovery CD to upgrade from Version to Version
Import your current DX8000 configuration settings and configure the new version of DX8000 software
This procedure ensures that you will have a smooth transition to the next version of DX8000 software.
There are two phases to perform the DX8000 settings export/import procedure: export and import. The steps to perform the export and import
phases are summarized as follows:
Export settings phase:
Step 1: Recording DX8000 Network Settings
Step 2: Exporting DVR Settings
Step 3: Recording IP Security Settings
Step 4: Running the DX8000 Recovery Procedure
Import settings phase:
Step 5: Entering Networking Settings
Step 6: Importing the DX8000 DVR Settings
Step 7: Configuring IP Security Settings


Step 1: Recording DX8000 Network Settings

To document the DX8000 network settings:
1. Click the Setup icon.
2. Click the Network icon.
3. Do the following:
a. Record the DX8000 IP address: ___________________________.
b. Record the subnet mask: ________________________________.
c. Record the default gateway address: ________________________.
d. Indicate if Obtain an IP Address Automatically is: Checked_____ Unchecked_____.