Pelco Manual C1941M (7/98) 21
The basic function of the VCRC unit is to act as an interface between the user/
operator of the system and any connected VCRs. Each VCRC processes and ex-
ecutes only commands with addresses that match the controller address. When a
VCRC receives a command with an inappropriate address it passes it on to the
next unit (if applicable) via its OUT port.
When power is first applied to the unit, RAM is cleared and initialization routines are
called. The power LED is lit, operational chips are configured, interrupt priorities are
set and the activity LED on the front panel of the unit flashes on and off at about
1/2 second intervals. LED activity is detailed in Section 3.1.2, LEDs. The unit is
waiting for its first valid command.
The block diagram below represents a combination of internal circuitry as well as
software controlled hardw are within the CM9760-VCRC unit.